

I am deeply inspired by these words from Adam Bucko, a contemplative priest, mentor and friend to the poor. He is a trustworthy guide to discovering a spiritual life for our century and living in service of compassion and justice.
— Fr Richard Rohr O.F.M.
Ultimately, Bucko is not inviting us into a new way of thinking or a new way of acting. He’s inviting us into a new way of seeing.
— T. J. Humphrey

Sign Up

Please complete the form below and we’ll contact you soon.

We will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, exploring Adam Bucko’s ‘Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide’

We plan to start our Journey together on Monday January 9th.

The offering is designed to be open and available to men. Men can participate as their schedule allows them to and there is no requirement to start with Chapter 1. :)

We’ll be gathering from 8:00 - 9:00pm EST. Please arrive a few minutes early so we can head out on the trail promptly at 8:00pm.

We encourage Men, over 50, registering to extend an invitation to a younger man on the Journey, so we can have an age diverse group of men exploring Adam’s lessons together.

If you have questions, you can reach us at: