Teacher Guide
Gathering 2

King and Warrior

Areas to focus on


Welcome all Men that arriving for the first time?

Occasionally, Dads will miss the first night and show-up for the first time at this Gathering. Take a few minutes as you begin to let them introduce themselves similar to the format from Gathering 1.

What format to use if there are more than 6 or so Dads?

We find with limited time, 60 minutes, and a few prompts to cover in each Gathering the optimum amount of Dads with the Guides is around 4-6. If you find your Gathering has more Dads, which is a good problem to have, look to break them up into smaller ‘breakouts’. The format we like to use is as follows.

Introduction - 5-10 minutes - one of the Guides reviews the content for the Gathering, all men present
Breakout - 45 minutes - Each Guide breakouts out with 4-6 Dads and explores the content together
Summary - 5-10 minutes - all the men return and weave together their ‘breakouts’ with a prompt like… ‘what did you hear a man say tonight’

Remember to review the Commitments?

It’s good as you begin the second Gathering to remind the Men of the Commitments, let them know this is the last time you will be reviewing the list with them.

Inviting a Dream

Working with the Archetypes is working in an area of the unconscious, which comes to life during our dream sleep… as you close the Gathering … ask the men as they retire tonight to invite a dream of the healthy King and Warrior energy to show itself to them


Helpful Tips


When responding to the prompts?

A Dad can use a fictional character when relating to the Healthy and UnHealthy King and Warrior Archetypes