Teacher Guide
Gathering 1

Law of Three

Areas to focus on


What prompt do we start with?

Why is it important for you to be here?

We like to start with this prompt, instead of what are your expectations, because their expectations will always be too small.

The Guide will start tonight, but here on out the time is your time?

Are Gatherings are designed for the Dads to share, the Guides will only spend a few minutes to introduce the theme and a prompt or two to get the dialog started.

We don’t have all the answers?

The offering is designed to ‘gently’ nudge the Dads to find their own inner knowing. It’s not to give advice, fix problems or make judgements.

The offering is like ‘booster rocket’ on a space ship or satellite. It provides a small amount of power to change the trajectory of the ship ever so slightly. We provide the power the Dads provide the direction :)(:

The culture changes… we(Guides) can learn from you.

Return the wisdom tradition of ‘initiation’ into a Man’s life, at thresholds or openings of change.

Richard whispered his dream into our ears and we are living that dream…, by restoring these practices and teachings into a Man’s life … so they may just be common place 5 generations from now.


Helpful Tips


As you conclude the Gathering you can suggest to the Dad’s to invite a dream into their night’s sleep.

With dream work… one of the first techniques that is taught, is the idea of just before retiring to bed, while laying on your pillow, invite the dream to enter your sleep. The prompt could be something like…. Think of someone you would like to take with you on this Journey into Fatherhood… might be someone living or deceased… a man, woman, spirit animal, etc. Invite them to Journey with you.

Dad’s have said they are tired after a long day when they show-up, but always feel energized when the leave the Gatherings.

The Monasteries would leave the novices outside the Monastery gates for 3 days before they would let them in.. we only made you wait … 3 minutes.

Men can offer a ‘fictional character’ of Father figure that inspired them growing up or possibly an ‘uncle’ or ‘coach’.